Monday, 26 December 2016

Utilization of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Industry

In 1997, first-time ‘cloud computing’ was used as a term by Professor Ramnath Chellappa (Hsu¹, Wang and Shieh, 2010) and after that in 1999, firstly, delivered the software and applications based on cloud computing (T Ograph and Morgens, 2008). In 2002, Amazon introduced advanced cloud services along with web services for its customers and in 2006, introduced Elastic Compute cloud (EC2), which allowed numerous organizations to run their software and applications online (Armbrust, et al., 2010). In 2008, Google and Microsoft dove into the cloud computing field as well and worked hard to introduce advanced cloud technology and services. According to IEEE, in 2014 the revenue is $152 billion for cloud services that are offered by different companies (Velazquez, 2012). According to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the cloud computing empowered us with on-demand network access to various online computing resources based on a shared pool configuration including networks, servers, storage and applications. Cloud computing has changed the way in which the IT is utilized in our day-to-day routine and for a lifetime as well (Mell, and Grance, 2011).
A few years back, eHealth was assumed as an additional expenditure in healthcare industry instead of a fruitful investment. However, now, eHealth has been coming up to the topmost of the agenda both in private healthcare sector and public healthcare administration bodies, which have driven the expansion of eHealth. Nowadays, there is a steady enhancement in study focus and financial support to revolutionize existing poor healthcare systems by empowering it with cloud computing and to deliver cost effective and reliable eHealth services to the masses. Consequently, today we are facing a significant high-tech revival of the healthcare industry, which was dependent on manual records and at the present, it is growing at a phenomenal rate (Michalas and Dowsley, 2015).
Most of the healthcare related cloud computing managers are enthusiastic by the facilitations, which the cloud computing provides, including dive into the infrastructure management, the reduction in the cost and especially the promptness. Since 2008, there is a major increase in the usage of the cloud computing model because it offers all the solutions and benefits that are substantial. On the other hand, the cloud computing is developing and evolving day by day both certainty and actuality, but there are also some challenges and issues, including security, privacy and service quality (Michalas, Paladi and Gehrmann, 2014).
Cloud Computing in Healthcare
According to Doukas, Pliakas, and Maglogiannis (2010), the healthcare sector around the world has reformed its healthcare information technology (HIT) and the cloud computing application is experiencing transformation. Cloud computing enables hospitals, research facilities, and medical practitioners to avail themselves of computing resources at a lower capital outlay (, 2015).
The healthcare sector, just like any other service operation, needs systematic and continuous innovation, which is timely, cost effective, and renders high-quality services. According to Kuo (2011), many managers and experts predict that cloud computing will improve the healthcare services, assist healthcare researchers, and transform the face of information technology. Schweitzer (2012) also believe that cloud computing can minimize the cost of e-health record startup expenses which includes networking, licensing fees, software and hardware. 
According to Anderson et al. (2007), the major problems in biomedical research data management and analysis are the data-handling complexities, costs and the unavailability of computational solutions for problems. Several innovations like cloud computing have demonstrated that it has the potential to solve these problems. Cloud computing enables easy access to huge storage facilities which has proven to be impossible in an ordinary IT environment. It supports radiological images, large electronic records, and genomic data from the Information Technology department of the hospital (Rolim, et al., 2010).
Cloud computing enables hospitals and physicians to share electronic health records from different locations. It reduces the need for double testing, and also facilitates timely and quick access to life-saving details. It creates the possibility of tracking records and analyzing information which pertains to treatment, performance, and costs (Rolim, et al., 2010). Healthcare providers are modernizing their IT departments by deploying cloud computing. Budgets are created to cater for the installation of cloud computing applications and this will greatly improve the healthcare sector (Sultan, 2014).
Cloud Computing and Database Design
The database designed through cloud computing stores data at different centers at separate locations. This makes the cloud database design different from the conventional rational database management system. There are numerous nodes in the cloud database created for query services. Corporate data centers are located at different geological locations. In order to create easy access to data on the cloud computing system, the linking is mandatory. According to Pizzette and Cabot (2012), there are various methods for accessing records in a cloud computing service. The user may gain access to the computer which is connected to the Internet, or a user may access a cloud database through a mobile device connected to 3G or 4G services.
According to Bloor (2011), the speed of transferring data in a data center is high compared to the speed of accessing a data center through the internet. This is considered a performance barrier in the cloud computing database.  Irrespective of this barrier (Al Shehri, 2013), there are numerous advantages of the cloud database which makes it preferable and adaptable for end users and organizations. The cloud database minimizes the cost of investing a huge sum of money in setting up other data centers and manpower to monitor, manage and upgrade its processes. According to Al Shehri (2013), here are the adaptive advantages of cloud database:    
  • The use of the cloud database design has transformed the way people shop online, which in turn saves time. Businesses can carry out transactions online irrespective of their location. Previously, employees needed to install software on their system in order to access the organization database, but now they can make use of already made resources in the cloud database which is made available through the Internet without wasting time (Al Shehri, 2013; Tsai, Sun and Balasooriya, 2010). 
  • The cloud database system not only saves time but also saves money. Businesses don’t need to invest so much money in setting up their data center services which is time-consuming, needs additional software installation and requires employing IT staff to conduct monitoring and maintenance of the system (Al Shehri, 2013; Hoang and Chen, 2010).
  • The cloud database system offers DBaaS provider which ensures that customers are free from making changes to their database. It ensures that the company performance does not go down by providing scalability at peak times (Al Shehri, 2013; Park and Moon, 2015).
  • Cloud computing ensures there is freedom to access information, data or records from any location through your computer or mobile phones without any barrier or complications. The cloud database system is an advanced technology which is preferred by companies because clients/customers, company management, and employees can gain access to desired information from anywhere at any time. Information can be accessed from the database without any difficulty, as long as the computer or mobile device is connected to the Internet (Al Shehri, 2013; Hoang and Chen, 2010).
  • Cloud computing enhances the possibility for large companies and organizations to store a large volume of data in terabytes and makes accessibility easy at any time (Al Shehri, 2013; Park and Moon, 2015).
Cloud Computing Cost Effectiveness
According to (2013), on-premise costs comprise software, hardware, design building, downtime, support and employees. These costs and many more can be managed by using the price-per-user month model. The cloud computing solution offers various benefits for a low cost. Through cloud computing, the on-premise server cost is eliminated. It improves the durability of your computer which in turn reduces cost in the long run. Businesses and organizations can reduce the cost of hiring IT staff by hosting online through a cloud database system (Kondo, et al., 2009).
Cloud computing maintains, monitors, and upgrades hosted programs. It reduces downtime and ensures that applications are available when needed. A minimized downtime increases productivity and creates high revenue and opportunities. According to Palanisamy (2013), one of the ways cloud computing is cost effective is through its pay-as-you-go cost structure. The platform enables service providers, software and application service providers, and hardware service providers to offer their services on demand and clients pay them based on how they have utilized their services (Tsai, Sun and Balasooriya, 2010).
Employees can access information online irrespective of their location. Cloud computing provides a scalable platform which grows with your business. It protects confidential details through secured and encrypted solutions, backup recovery, and firewalls (Sultan, 2014;, 2013).  
Applications for Health in the Cloud Computing Environment
Applications for health in the cloud computing environment reduce the barrier in healthcare technology. Cloud computing applications offer key technological benefits which include electronic records. Electronic medical records serve as an improvement in the healthcare sector. Cloud computing applications create an innovative way for storing patients’ records, and creates easy access to large storage and boost security (Michalas, Paladi and Gehrmann, 2014).
            According to ITGCT (2014), cloud computing offers a streamlined collaboration through video conferencing, mobile devices and specialized applications built for healthcare purposes. Cloud computing creates speed and facilitates an improved communication process at a distance. Through these applications, patients can get expertise when needed and a faster response to disaster calls.
Cloud computing involves data analytics which enables tracking and data computation in real-time. End-users or medical practitioners can obtain necessary information for medical research, trend-spotting and referral generation. Cloud computing is not limited to data storage; it helps healthcare organizations create a larger pool of data for people to learn from (Doukas, Pliakas and Maglogiannis, 2010).
Applications in the cloud computing environment provide the opportunity for high-powered data solutions and research processes which are difficult for small computers to handle. Through cloud computing, the creation of new drugs and DNA sequencing is made possible. Cloud computing provides telemedicine capabilities through mobile technology and high-tech devices. This application enables the successful provision of healthcare solutions such as telesurgeries and consultations from any location. Patients can be monitored without visiting the hospital (Marasinghe, 2012).
It is obvious that cloud computing has countless benefits for the healthcare industry, but on the other hand, there are also some challenges, such as security risks that are associated with the cloud service. In the cloud computing, the verification of data is really important. Furthermore, the availability of the demanded healthcare records also has its importance. This is a big security issue because if a physician needs the report of some of the records, then the cloud service provider should provide all the necessary information and diagnoses along with other relevant information. This is important because the track record of the data should be available for the verification and on which devices the data has been accessed. This is important for the secure data process and it should also be included in the cloud computing contract. However, no one can deny the importance of the implementation of cloud computing in the healthcare industry.
Al Shehri, W. (2013). Cloud Database Database as a Service. International Journal of Database Management Systems, 5(2), 1. Available at:     
Anderson, N. R., Lee, E. S., Brockenbrough, J. S., Minie, M. E., Fuller, S., Brinkley, J., & Tarczy-Hornoch, P. (2007). Issues in biomedical research data management and analysis: needs and barriers. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 14(4), 478-488.
Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A. D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., ... & Zaharia, M. 2010. A view of cloud computing. Communications of the ACM,53(4), 50-58.
Bloor, R. (2011). WHAT IS ACloud DATABASE?. Available at:, (2013). How is Cloud Computing Cost Effective? - Cetrom Information Technology, Inc.. [online] Cetrom Information Technology, Inc. Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2016].
Doukas, C., Pliakas, T., & Maglogiannis, I. (2010, August). Mobile healthcare information management utilizing Cloud Computing and Android OS. In 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (pp. 1037-1040). IEEE.
Hoang, D. B., & Chen, L. (2010, December). Mobile cloud for assistive healthcare (MoCAsH). In Services Computing Conference (APSCC), 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific (pp. 325-332). IEEE.
Hsu¹, C. W., Wang, C. W., & Shieh, S. (2010). Reliability and Security of Large Scale Data Storage in Cloud Computing.
ITGCT, (2014). The 7 Benefits of Cloud Computing for Healthcare - Information Technology Group. [online] Information Technology Group. Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2016].
Kondo, D., Javadi, B., Malecot, P., Cappello, F., & Anderson, D. P. (2009, May). Cost-benefit analysis of cloud computing versus desktop grids. In Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2009. IPDPS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 1-12). IEEE.
Kuo, M. H. (2011). Opportunities and challenges of cloud computing to improve health care services. Journal of medical Internet research13(3), e67. Available at:
Marasinghe, R. B. (2012). Telemedicine today: can late adopters leapfrog!. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics, 2(4). (2015). Healthcare Cloud Computing Market by Application, Deployment & Pricing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2016].
Mell, P., & Grance, T. (2011). The NIST definition of cloud computing.
Michalas, A., & Dowsley, R. (2015, December). Towards Trusted eHealth Services in the Cloud. In 2015 IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) (pp. 618-623). IEEE.
Michalas, A., Paladi, N., & Gehrmann, C. (2014, October). Security aspects of e-health systems migration to the cloud. In e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on (pp. 212-218). IEEE.
Palanisamy, B. (2013). Cost-effective and privacy-conscious cloud service provisioning: architectures and algorithms. Available at:
Park, H. K., & Moon, S. J. (2015). DBaaS Using HL7 Based on XMDR-DAI for Medical Information Sharing in Cloud. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 10(9), 111-120.
Pizette, L., & Cabot, T. (2012). Database as a Service: A Marketplace Assessment. Available at:
Rolim, C. O., Koch, F. L., Westphall, C. B., Werner, J., Fracalossi, A., & Salvador, G. S. (2010, February). A cloud computing solution for patient's data collection in health care institutions. In eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, 2010. ETELEMED'10. Second International Conference on (pp. 95-99). IEEE.
Schweitzer, E. J. (2012). Reconciliation of the cloud computing model with US federal electronic health record regulations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 19(2), 161-165. Available at:
Sultan, N. (2014). Making use of cloud computing for healthcare provision: Opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2), 177-184.
T OGRAPH, B., & MORGENS, Y. R. (2008). Cloud computing. Communications of the ACM51(7).
Tsai, W. T., Sun, X., & Balasooriya, J. (2010, April). Service-oriented cloud computing architecture. In Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2010 Seventh International Conference on (pp. 684-689). IEEE.
Velazquez, J. I. C. (2013). Latin America Symposium on Cloud Computing, Data Center and Networking-LASCCDCN 2012. IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS11(1), 8-9.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Some Information on Fly Fishing Carp

Fly-fishing is a method of fishing where an artificial fly is what is used to catch the fish. A specialized weighted line, a fly rod and a reel are the requirements for casting the fly. The fly line, which is coated with plastic, is quite heavy, and this weight is what enables the fly to reach its target. Carp is the name given to various fish species found in freshwater. These types of fish have their origins in Europe and Asia, but have been introduced to other parts of the world.
Types of Carp
1.       Common carp
The common carp also called European carp are native to Eastern Europe and Asia. They are quite tolerant of most conditions even though they are fond of large bodies of water, which is slow or stagnant, with soft vegetative sediments. They are very popular with anglers.
2.       Silver carp
These fish are filter feeders and therefore very difficult to catch with the normal hook and line gear. A special method has been devised to catch these fish. One of the most popular methods is the suspension method, which normally consists of a big dough ball, which disintegrates slowly. It is surrounded by tiny hooks, which aren’t embedded in the bait. The fish feed on the broken particles from the dough, and in their attempt to break more pieces from the dough ball, they bump against it, so being hooked.
3.       Bighead carp
Like the Silver carp, bighead carp are also filter feeders, making it difficult catching them using a rod and reel. They can also be caught using the suspension method. Bighead carp do not respond to moving boats by jumping from the water therefore, they cannot be shot from the air. They can, however, be shot by bow fishers since they usually feed near the surface of the water.
4.       Crucian carp
These types of fish are mostly found in slow moving rivers, ponds or lakes throughout Asia and Europe. Their weight does not exceed 1.5 kg. They are mostly captured as a sport fish.
5.       Grass carp
The growth of grass carp is very rapid, with adults attaining almost 1.2 meters (3.9 ft) long and a weight of over 18 kilograms. They have a lifespan of about 5 to 9 years and the oldest being 11 years. Their daily food intake is thrice their body size. They do exceptionally well in small fresh-water lakes, and also where there are backwaters, which have a good supply of vegetation. The adults feed on aquatic plants, which are higher, and also terrestrial vegetation which is submerged. They, however, may also feed on insects, detritus together with other invertebrates.
When fly fishing for carp, you should always bear in mind that the fly should be cast as close to the carp’s nose as is practically possible. This is because when they are feeding, they have tunnel vision, meaning they won’t eat your fly if it is not placed close enough. They are also very sensitive to taste and smell, therefore it is recommended that anyone who is fly-fishing for carp should use mud from the bottom of the river to cover the fly. This will also help as the carp won’t easily detect your scent.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

The Fusion Guitar

It is a musician’s dream to arrive at a show with nothing but a guitar, get in front of an audience and immediately begin playing. The Fusion Guitar, which is available on the Indiegogo crowd funding site, is a major advancement towards achieving that dream. Now, there will be no more tangled cables, no unlimited lines of effects pedals, and no huge amplifier to carry. If you take a closer look you will see that the speakers are integrated into the body of the instrument, an element reminiscent of a few guitars produced by Teisco in the 1960’s. The guitar has a battery life of 12 hours and a 20-watt amp that supplies power to the speakers.
The entire unit weighs less than 9 pounds and has a maple neck that reaches out through the body, giving it what Fusion portrays as the definite tone of a conventional electric guitar. Your iPhone can be utilized to choose distinctive effects and amp displaying elements which places all the controls under your fingertips. The iPhone lets musicians take instructional features or use instructional applications alongside to listen to the instrument or to enhance its abilities. You can also utilize it to record your guitar’s perfect works of art.
The musicians who previously made use of a guitar interface with their iPhones will have the capacity to move seamlessly over to the Fusion. Moreover, it will also open up an entire new system of guitar applications, tones, special effects and recording opportunities. The older model guitars that have built-in amplifiers may now be viewed in a new light increasing their “cool” status. It‘s good to modernize an old idea, adapt it to work in versatile applications and produce an innovative new instrument. It also looks cool, like somebody combined the feel of Darth Vader & Cylon and shaped them into a guitar.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Decision in Microsoft Case Could Set Dangerous Global Precedent, Experts Say

Wednesday did not turn out to be such a good day for the global software distributers, Microsoft, when the US government decided to sue the company. If the verdict went sideways, then unequivocally, there would be a catastrophic global economic impact, as assessed by experts, as Hotmail and Yahoo were one of the earliest e-mail clients.
All this was propelled by none other than a Hotmail account which was said to be associated with narcotics. In an attempt to recover the contents of the account in an ongoing investigation, Microsoft refused, claiming that it would be a clear violation of the client service agreement. However, the Department of Justice argued that this is a clear “interference with an ongoing investigation”.
Moreover, experts and former employees of Microsoft feel that this would be a major loss for Microsoft, as the impact would lead to a major defection by European residents from Hotmail. He also argued that this would not only pose a threat to Microsoft, but other e-mail providers, as users would feel that their information is insecure and open to invasion of privacy.
So, what has been the response from similar companies? Amazon, Apple, and eBay among others clearly backed up Microsoft’s decision, as they felt that this would be a first time loophole to the government domination of civilian privacy. Nevertheless, it seems that the appeals and continuous support from other firms has not been as promising, since Microsoft has lost the case twice so far.
In their defense, Microsoft’s top lawyer, Brad Smith feels that should the government win the case, then it would make an example for other nations to following suit. He continues to argue that the government should not make the mistake or follow a one-time model, as in this case, without expecting other countries to follow their steps.
The trial is expected to come after the US Attorney General vowed to ensure that if this goes through, then the Department of Justice would no doubt be made the standard-bearer for any response to cybercrime. Along these lines, the Department of Justice has also been adamant and urges all the tech companies to come up with a backdoor option to allow the government to carry out investigations if need be.
Conclusively, this is a clear violation of digital laws and many feel that it would weaken the encryption mechanism and hence interfere with the safety of citizens.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Inspection of a Plant Stor

Bad Observations
Control Measures
Hazards and Consequences
Immediate and Longer Term Actions
Fire Hazards-
We observed plenty of lighted cigarette ends that posed danger to the store. If left on its own, this could make the whole store to burn down.
Risk of fire
A ‘no smoking’ policy should be adopted in the entire store and staff should be given designated smoking areas which should be closely supervised.
There should be a separate gas storage area as well.

1 Month
Faulty Electrical Fan
We saw some of the electrical appliances had been subjected to misuse hence causing electric faults on apparatus.
Risk of electric shock or fault
Take action immediately to avoid accidents.
Fire Fighting Equipment
During our inspection, we observed inadequate fire-fighting equipment; we asked a worker regarding fire-safety measures; he told us that they use water pots to pour water on the fire, if any incident happen.
Risk of fire; it will be difficult to tackle the situation in a case of fire
Purchase fire-fighting equipment immediately
Arrange firefighting training sessions for the staff
2 Months
House Keeping
Rooms were a high fire risk area since many flammable goods were stored with minimal supervision.
Difficult access to equipment and plant due to poor house-keeping arrangement
Exposure to noise was also observed
Risk of fire and risk of fatigue involved; deliveries could be delayed
Staff is required to setup its housekeeping facilities and create appropriate storage e.g. racking
Dangers should also be discussed at sessions of training.
Maintaining a proper house-keeping rules and workshop training
Assessment of noise risk is necessary and after assessment, prevention measures should be used
One week

1 Month

1 Month
1-3 Months
Hazardous Substances
No proper labelling was done in the chemical substances storage.
We also observed that some of the staff didn’t know the safety measures of the harmful chemicals and other substances. They were asking seniors for the help.
Risk of wrong chemical utilization or an outdated item could be used
It is important to identify and control risky substances. Rearrange all the chemical substances storage and staff should ensure proper labeling clearly.
It is important to improve safety knowledge of staff with regard to the danger of the harmful substances as well as utilizing of PPE. A one day workshop should be arranged for all staff to improve their knowledge regarding chemicals and other substances.
A training course should be arranged for staff to empower them with practical training on chemicals, pesticide and PPE.
Appropriate PPE training per individual can reach to 40 USD or training cost can be reduced by conducting training through own staff; thus, cost could reduce to working time while training.

1 Week


1 Month

1 Month
Working Practices
We noted that some workers were using old techniques of gardening in the workshop. Up-to-date training courses are really important in management; so, the staff is required to attend updated courses to know the operational mediums, tools and implementing techniques of the day.
Risk of delay in deliveries and waste of time involved
A one-day training course should be attained as soon as possible by all the staff.
Estimated cost can reach to USD 150 per head. This expense can be reduced if the training, safety measure training is conducted by the company staff and safety advisors. Thus, the cost would be reduced to the staffs’ equivalent time.
1 Day

1-3 Months

Welfare Provisions
Employees were smoking and drinking water at the workplace
Risk of ingesting hazardous, fire and injury involved

A room should be provided for rest, preparing drinks or taking meals. This may attach with kitchen and empowered with various appliances. It should be well-ventilated to prevent fire smokes, etc.
1 Month
Plant Maintenance and use of Fixed plant like bench saw, lathe, band saw
Lack of proper training and operating competence of workers observed
Risk of electrical or other faults
Poorly maintained plant
Risk of downfall in sales
Workers handling everything by hand
Risk of injuries from manual handling of plant
Tagging and testing electrical equipment should be done
Wearing personal protective clothing
Scheduling workshop inspection
1 Week
1 Week
On a Monthly base
Use of chemicals like Degreasers, lubricants and coolers
Incompatible chemicals stored together Risk of lead to explosions, fires and release of toxic fumes
Chemicals were used in unsuitable containers
Risk of any damage
Physical contact with chemicals was also observed
Risk of injury
Risk assessment in determining where chemicals are delivered
Securing of gas cylinders
Use of appropriate protective clothing
Storage of chemicals in smaller containers
Risk assessment of where chemicals are delivered
1 Month
1 week
1 Week
1 Week
Manual handling of welding equipment
Risk of injury
Fumes, hot metal burns were also handled manually
Risk of injury

Have a dedicated welding bay
Checking and maintaining of welding equipment and having trained operators
Having a trained operator
Unearthing welding equipment should be installed
1 Week
1 Month
1 Month
1 Month
Use of mobile plant like overhead crane and other devices used for lifting.
Risk of injury
Inappropriate safety measures like emergency stops were also observed
Risk of muscle pull or other injuries
Preoperational checks should be done

This practice should be stopped immediately


Better Safety Measures Observations
It is observed that the workplace was clean and everything was on its spot. All tools and equipment were properly placed at their exact places.
More attention is required
Inspections should be done on a monthly basis

On a monthly basis
It is also observed that the atmosphere of the workshop was up to the mark. Air quality was good and dust was controlled properly. Staff used vacuum cleaner for indoor places, and sweeping and water wash-down for outdoor places, whereas for the inaccessible places, staff used ‘blowdowns’/compressor.
Safety measures should be observed to prevent dust from the shop and workshop.
Dust can damage equipment or can reduce the life of the tools, so, cleaning should be done on a daily basis

On a daily basis
We noted that power is usually disconnected before any adjustments can be made to the power tools. We also realized that any energized equipment is not serviced. This is a safety workshop measure.
Staff should put more attention on this safety measure, as this, not only save the employees from any danger, but also will save the energy
Sensors should be used to power off the ‘ not in use’ equipment and tools


3 Months
Another positive aspect that we noted is that while working on the machines, the workers did not wear loose fitting clothes, gloves, dangling jewelry, neck ties or baggy sleeves that could be entangled in the tools or be an obstacle during the work.
A supervisor should check the clothes of the staff on a daily basis
Proper uniforms should be provided to the staff

3 Months
As we were carrying out the inspection, one of the workers came to report an accident that had occurred to the head of the division, who immediately directed the appropriate first aid measure. This was a positive action as we verified that accidents are promptly reported and acted upon.
All safety measures should be observed in the shop and workshop to avoid any accident.
A standby ambulance should be available every time to transport any patient to the hospital

6 Months
We noted that as workers carried out their duties, the tool guards and safety measures were kept in place and not removed.
A supervisor should check this on a daily basis
A safety audit should be done to verify and recommend safety guards and tools

3 Months
We noted that workers took suitable fire prevention precautions when work generated sparks or heat, flames or flammable liquids such as work on a plant pot or container.
Firefighting tools should be installed at all important places
Water sprinkler system should be installed


3 Months
Another observation was, the work-area mats and clothes were clean and without sticky tapes. As well as soiled and dirty clothes and other useless items disposed of appropriately.
A supervisor should check this security measure on a daily basis
On a daily basis

We carried out an inspection at the Plant’s Store and Workshop on 10th March, 2016 at about 11.00 am. Incorporated in this report are the issues that came up while doing the inspection. This company is ISO 9000, 9001 and 14001 certified with regard to the management of the environment and is following a perfect approach. This report addresses hazards related to the Plant’s Store and Workshop, and also includes recommendations that may minimize the likelihood of these hazards reoccurring. The inspection concerns internal matters and factors that are linked to this project. The major activities in this inspection include controlling, monitoring and evaluating hazardous activities being conducted during this project’s execution. The Plant’s Store and Workshop is used for repairing the mechanical failures of all company machines and plants in the workshop, where all the stock and tools are kept. There is one watchman at the store and six other fitters at the workshop which consists of:
i)                    A workshop area with hand and mechanical tools such as hydraulic jacks, Spanners, welding equipment, garage pits and other tools together with many other hazardous items such as solvents and oils.
ii)                  A storage area for workshop and company materials, including safety tools and equipment such as forks, hand shovels and PPEs.
iii)                A store keeper area, with a computer station and small desk.
During the period of inspection, a few activities were going on; hence, the recommendations and observations that are included in this report are solely on the observed conditions and workplace.
The purpose of carrying out this inspection was due to an increased number of incidents and accidents reported from the same area. The standard of health and safety was generally found to be lacking. During the inspection, there were a number of deficiencies observed that showed general slackness in the area of supervision and work practices.
Executive Summary
The Plant’s Store and Workshop is a well-executed and effective system of management. Health and safety are well-managed. Nonetheless, there are points that came to our attention during the inspection. According to the inspection, it was established that health and safety were lacking in five major areas. The store has a few main indicators that require immediate attention and there are also long-term objectives that need to be met in order to ensure that the project’s quality is achievable. Occasional injuries and death of workers may also be minimized if suitable measures are taken to rectify the audit issues that surfaced during the inspection. This report is in compliance with the 1992 Regulations, Workplace breaches (Health, Safety and Welfare), the 2002 Control of Hazardous Substances to the Health Regulations and the 1990 Environmental Protection Act, as well as the 2005 Fire Safety Regulatory Reform. In the case that the breaches are not resolved, legislative issues may result, including criminal prosecution as well as the subjection of the organization to substantial fines
Major Findings of the Inspection
Fire Safety
Stores are generally considered to be of moderate fire risk, as fires usually occur due to carelessness and unknown arson attacks.
We noted careless discarding of smoking materials, particularly if allowed to get in contact with flammable materials. There were plenty of litigarette ends that posed danger to the store, as if these are left unattended, may result in the development of a fire sufficient to burn down the premises. As such, a ‘no smoking’ policy should be adopted in the entire store, and staff given designated smoking areas, which should be closely supervised.
Faulty Electrical Fan
We noted that electrical appliances had been subjected to misuse, resulting in electrical faults on apparatus due to a lack of regular servicing. Therefore, all electrical equipment should be annually tested, and all staff should be kept informed of the possible dangers associated with various types of equipment.
Part of the plastic cover is broken and there are parts that are accessible to touch. In case such a situation arose, then accidental electrocution can arise with possible fatal consequences. Action should be taken immediately in order to avoid the possibility of accidents and subsequent loss of time and possible compensation awards and increased insurance premiums.
Fire Fighting Equipment
We noted that there was no adequate fire-fighting equipment. When using items such as gas torches, blow lamps, metal angle-cutters and other apparatus that can cause a fire, it is important to maintain a high degree of supervision.
House Keeping
We noted that the store rooms were a high fire risk area, as many flammable goods were stored there with minimal supervision. We also noted that there was difficulty in accessing plant and equipment as a result of the poor arrangement. There was a lot of noise exposure. As such, there should be improved housekeeping, and all stores should be kept as tidy as possible so as to minimize risk. This is also applicable to the premises at large. Dangers should also be discussed during training sessions.
Hazardous Substances
We noted the lack of PPE materials, which may lead to eye trauma and harm, especially when the filling takes place in the absence of proper eye protection equipment. Moreover, the chemicals are stored in unlabeled bottles, which, if incorrectly used, may result in serious injury.
Welfare Provision
We noted that there was no adequate place for drink preparation, as well as no smoking and drinking areas. All these should be improved by the refurbishment
Escape Means
Emergency exits should be installed, and it should be guaranteed that they stay accessible and unhampered. Work zones that are above ground or subterranean, should provide exits to ground-level in all possible locations. It is vital that escape routes offer access to a protected area where individuals can gather and be represented.

From the inspection carried out, there is a need for general improvement in regard to health and safety measures. I would recommend that there be a greater awareness of safety measures, which would help to eliminate most of the issues that were identified today. I would therefore suggest that the company invest in employees by providing safety awareness training for each and every employee. This would help to improve inspection and maintenance routines, and eliminate many of the lazy and careless practices that may occur. I would suggest that the benefits of such an investment would improve work practices, enhance efficiency, minimize accidents and improve morale at the workplace.
All the above observations require immediate attention and action in order to minimize the risk of accidents and ill health in the store and workshop, which will consequently result to better productivity and motivation. These improvements will help to reduce direct and indirect costs associated with any accidents that may occur.
All staff should attend to a one-day training course regarding workshop safety, and safety awareness issues that were identified during the inspection should be made known to every staff member. Having a greater awareness with regards to safety issues would have a great impact towards eliminating most of the issues that were identified today.
Occupational health and safety is an issue that needs proper management. Failure to take heed of this report would result in the company facing law enforcement action due to a breach of the legislature. Moreover, if this report is ignored, it will affect the company’s image due to the losses and accidents that may take place and regrettably, it will affect the development of the business, which may result in greater difficulty in acquiring more projects and contracts.
Any court case is capable of drawing adverse publicity on the company and this may erase all the good work that the company has done in building up the client base and which may in turn affect orders in future. This could even threaten the company's existence or even its future profitability. Senior managers are required to be mindful in such countries as UAE and UK since there is the potential of being charged with manslaughter in case you engage in an accident that relates to work which may result in the death of a worker or any other person affected by working activities.
Management is required to investigate accidents and when there is time loss from work, they have to reorganize work- loads and at times training and retraining has to be done. All these have got own impact on the organization.

Accidents resulting from personal injury usually cause pain and suffering to the victim. More serious accidents may affect a wider circle of friends, workmates and family. Witnesses of serious accidents also cause trauma. People have got every right to be protected from hazards at the place of work and managers have a right of ensuring that this protection takes place.